Eurokontakt Ltd.

Eurokontakt Ltd.


  • Access to the application via mobile app and web browser (Android mobile app without using Google Play account).
  • Opening accounts/reporting issues through a web browser and mobile app.
  • Ability to open accounts with two administrators.
  • Devices can be tracked whether they are under warranty or not.
  • Multi-user interface – two administrators, unlimited number of employees/technicians.
  • Printing reports of open and completed accounts.


Eurokontakt Ltd. expressed the need for a customized web and mobile application for easier tracking of maintained devices. The application should allow for opening accounts, tracking warranty status, and reporting issues. The mobile app enables timely data entry and review of work orders. In the final phase, the ability to print reports for accounts was added.






For easier tracking and record-keeping, two roles are enabled – admin and employee. The admin can add/remove employees, open and close accounts, edit existing accounts and assign new accounts to employees, and edit device information. The employee (technician) can only work with accounts (open, close, edit, assign to another employee) and, if necessary, create a new device through account creation.

The mobile app serves employees by allowing them to access accounts more easily in the field and, if necessary, open/close/edit an account. When an account is created by an admin or assigned by another technician, the technician receives a notification on the mobile app that an account has been assigned to them.

Eurokontakt radni nalozi


Eurokontakt Ltd. specializes in laboratory equipment and devices, medical equipment and devices, industrial equipment and devices, and the servicing and maintenance of the equipment they offer.

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Wordpress, PHP, MySQL, jQuery

Job description:

The web store was successfully implemented and the employees were trained for independent entry of products and maintenance of web store stocks.


WordPress, PHP, MySQL, jQuery

Job description:
